Global Health Care School of Medicine
The mission of the Global Health Care School of Medicine is to improve the health of the people of the Middle East by training a diverse workforce of physicians and by developing innovative research and health care delivery programs that will improve the health of the medically underserved in the region and become models emulated throughout the Middle East. The Medical School will be based in the US standards and offer a 4-year M.D. degree with rotations at top raked Hospitals in the USA.
The vision of the GHC School of Medicine is to:
Educate and retain in the Middle East a diverse physician workforce needed to help address the underserved patient care needs of the people of the Middle East. To achieve this, we are recruiting clinical and research faculty to build the school and culture, atop of the highest quality of applied and clinical research. Will a world class faculty in place we will recruit a diverse student body that reflects the demographics of Middle East. Combined with the GHC Hospital we aim to remodel health care teaching and health care delivery incorporating the revolutionary advances in engineering and technology available today. In Addition, we seek to contribute to the region by enhancing the clinical delivery system through relationships with community hospitals, physicians, and other providers.
GHC School of Medicine will transform health care education of physicians through the development of team-based, innovative approaches to achieving improved health care outcomes throughout the continuum of care: nutrition and preventive medicine, chronic disease management, acute care, rehabilitative medicine, and end of life care.
Our goal is to be one of the premier schools of medicine in the Middle East and to rank in the top 100 schools in the world preparing graduates for distinguished careers in clinical practice, teaching, research, and public service.