Teddric Mohr, MHA

CEO for Healthcare Management & Development
Healthcare Management, Development, Turnaround, Reorganization
Teddric Mohr has over 45 years in healthcare management of hospitals and clinics in the United States, and Internationally.
Mr. Mohr’s professional healthcare management history extends into various ownerships including for-profit, investor-owned, not-for-profit, and government owed healthcare facilities. His initial experience began as a chief financial officer and quickly moved to the CEO level. His CEO/management role started in 1978 till present.
During Teddric Mohr’s teenage years, he worked in his father’s hospital in housekeeping, maintenance, laboratory, dietary, admissions clerk, front desk manger, etc. At the age of 14 till his mid-20s he successfully developed an electronic manufacturing business with 20 employees and also a trucking company. Mr. Mohr’s formal education began with earning an electronics diploma. Following this he earned his Bachelor of Science (BS) Accounting and Minoring in Communication. Advanced Academic Degrees include a Masters of Healthcare Administration (MHA) from the University of Minnesota and is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE). Mr. Mohr has previously held an Advance Membership in the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA).
While practicing as CFO in one hospital facility Mr. Mohr developed computerized software system managing the annualized inventory stock take system for a 550-bed hospital reducing work time from two weeks to 8 hours. He also developed an additional computerized software system that reduced the work time needed for detailed government budgeting from 8 weeks to 3 days with increased accuracy. These systems were used by other facilities and hospitals. Mr. Mohr has implemented hospital computerization on eight different occasions in separate hospitals.
Mr. Mohr while CFO oversaw and developed hospital utilization / financial research that challenged reimbursement policy leading to a law suit against USA Medicare/Medicaid that ultimately changed reimbursement / accounting policy for all USA hospitals. Also Mr. Mohr has experience in several hospital institutions with reorganizing strategies that maximize profitability and streamline operations.
All hospital facilities required extensive campus, operational, medical staff, employee and services planning reorganization. These changes involved extensive re-planning and restructuring of an 86-year and 120-year-old campus facilities. Extensive building additions, remodeling, and acquisitions were required. This included the acquisition of 23 outpatient clinics, development of an employee assistance program, development of an extensive marketing program including public relations strategies, and donations.
In addition to dealing with business / organization / financial systems Mr. Mohr has a proven history of reengineering the medical delivery system. This was accomplished by bringing doctors and nurses together in an integrated healthcare team approach to define what the patient needed in order to enhance their quality of health care. One of the keys to these development goals was the integration of a hospital based nursing school where student nurses were involved in a team interactive learning process with hospital staff nurses, allied health professionals, and doctors. These nursing students when completing their 5-year bond were highly sought after in Singapore and the Middle East.
One particular international facility was losing 14 million on 28 million Gross revenue, owed 7 million in taxes, had a 20 million loan at 14% interest and could not make payroll. When Mr. Mohr left, the facility had a gross revenue of 200 million, a profit of 12 million, 79 doctors, 30 new clinics, and was a market leader in Medical tourism with its leading cardiac program of 600 open heart, 400 closed heart cardiac surgical procedures a year, 200 cardiac outpatients a day, and a quality outcomes leader used by an international standards group to develop quality guidelines for cardiac surgery. This included the development of a program for pediatric cardiac surgery funded by Rotary Club Malaysia that helped 400 children needing heart surgery from Malaysia, Cambodia, Viet Nam, and Philippines. This same international facility grew to approximately 60,000 patients per year for inpatient and outpatient visits with a significant component derived from their Medical Tourism Program.
While CEO of this International Medical Facility the associated nursing school was developed to an advanced status and was considered a top school with 100% nursing boards passage rate for all nursing students in all years. Additionally Mr. Mohr brought JCI to Malaysia and his hospital was the first to receive this international accreditation. Following this he helped 8 other Malaysian Hospitals competitors to receive accreditation as well. Mr. Mohr has always demonstrated his attitude: “There is always a better way, there are always new ideas, there are always ways to save MORE lives.”
At the request of Khazanah, the Malaysian Sovereign Investment Fund, Mr. Mohr set up an educational corporation for specialized nurse training for that country. Later, while still in Malaysia, he was asked to join one of Khazanah’s sub corporations as Director of Healthcare at International Medical University (IMU) for the development of medical clinics and the hospital in Kuala Lumpur. During Mr. Mohr’s 20 years in Malaysia the government bestowed upon him Permanent Resident Status for life and a Dato’ title for his services to the country.
Mr. Mohr, as a CEO, has always been involved in his local community for both personal and professional activities. He has been a Rotarian for over 35 years, president of two Rotary clubs, one in the US and one in Malaysia. Mr. Mohr has worked with the Red Cross and has previously been Chairman of the United Way community giving, and other programs that integrate the hospital into the daily life of the surrounding community.
Nothing is impossible some things just take more time, concentration or commitment but when completed deliver new learning. The most valuable asset is your team.